Findspot - Prehistoric Flints

Description of this historic site

Findspot - various flint implements of Prehistoric date, including a tanged arrowhead, were found in the area east of Grafton Lane, Bidford.

Notes about this historic site

1 Three flints found at SP107526 in 1987: – a small black flake with partial edge retouch, a struck flake and a partially retouched flake, possibly a blank for a tanged arrowhead.
2 Two struck flakes were found in 1991 at SP10705258.
3 A waste flake was found at SP107526 in 1991.
4 A disc scraper and an end scraper, both identified as dating from between the Neolithic and the Bronze Age were found in 1991 at SP10605258.
5 Illustration of arrowhead in FI File.

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