Excavation of Romano-British Features, Gramer Almshouses
Description of this historic site
Several pits dating to the Roman period were excavated. They were located inside the area of the Roman Fort, 25m east of Mancetter Road, Mancetter.
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Notes about this historic site
1 Foundation trenches for three small extensions to the rear of Gramer Almshouses were observed in May 1983. Five features were recorded. There were two timber slots running roughly E-W, the other three probably pits, though none was well-defined or very substantial. No finds were recovered but the nature and fill of these features suggest that they belong to the Roman military period.
2 Note in FI file.
3 Plan of trenches.
4 No longer within SAM 124.
5 Noted; P. Booth, watching brief; timber structure noted.
- For the sources of these notes, see the
- Timetrail record
- produced by the Historic Environment Record.
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