Evaluation at Wolston Fields Farm

Description of this historic site

During archaeological work in advance of gravel extraction, features and finds dating from the Palaeolithic to the Iron Age period were recorded. The site is to the east of Ryton on Dunsmore.

Notes about this historic site

1 An archaeological evaluation was carried out by the Warwickshire Museum in 1990 on the site of proposed gravel extraction at Wolston Fields Farm. Various finds and features were examined and recorded during the work, including flint finds dating from the Palaeolithic to the Iron Age (WA6402, WA6403, WA6404), and settlement remains of the later Bronze Age and Iron Age (WA4000, WA4001, WA 4002, WA3416).
2 Trial trenching in advance of two lots of new buildings revealed the remnant of a former ploughsoil, modern land drains and modern finds only.

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