Romano-British activity west of the Caldecott Arms, Chapel Street, Long Lawford.
Two Romano-British ditches, which may have been field boundaries or related to a settlement enclosure, were recorded during trial trenching West of The Caldecott Arms, Chapel Street, Long Lawford.
1 The excavation of three trial trenches west of the Caldecott Arms, Long Lawford, revealed evidence of Romano-British activity, including two ditches. These ran roughly at right angles to one another and may have formed an enclosure or part of a field system. It was considered possible that such an enclosure may have been close to an associated settlement, however the quantities of finds recovered were relatively small. A variety of other ditches and pits were revealed, however, these contained no dating evidence, but it is likely that these features formed part of the Romano-British or medieval activity on the site.
- For the sources of these notes, see the
- Timetrail record
- produced by the Historic Environment Record.
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