Deserted Medieval Settlement to S of Mill Ford Farm, Coughton
The site of a deserted settlement dating to the Medieval period. It is visible as an earthwork. The settlement site is situated 900m east of Coughton.
1 A deserted village nucleus can be identified on the E bank of the River Arrow, set at the core of an open field still operating in the late 17th century. A regular pattern of tofts existed and many of the houses were still occupied in the mid 18th century. An additional settlement complex lay at the N end of the village, in the 17th – 18th century comprising a farm, a mill and several cottages. This had been abandoned by the mid 19th century.
2 Plan dated 1981.
3 This site is Scheduled as ‘Medieval Settlement at Mill Ford Farm’ (SAM no. 30036).
4 No traces of the settlement were found during an archaeological observation. One sherd of pottery dating to the 13th/14th century was recovered.
5 Correspondence about a woodland grant scheme.
6 Annoations of the plan in 2.
- For the sources of these notes, see the
- Timetrail record
- produced by the Historic Environment Record.
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