Chesterton Camp. Excavation 1966

Description of this historic site

The archaeological excavation of the north west corner of the Roman Camp at Chesterton. The remains of a rampart and ditch were found. These were followed in the first half of the fourth century by a stone wall, ditches and counterscarp.

Notes about this historic site

1 In July 1966 earth-moving equipment was noted at Chesterton Camp and it was discovered that the farmer had received permission from MPBW to plough the site.
2 Ten weeks were spent excavating part of the NW corner of the camp to assess the damage that ploughing was likely to cause. A section was cut across the defences revealing an early system of turf banks and ditch, or possibly ditches, which was replaced in the first half of the 4th century by a stone wall, two ditches and counterscarp. There was no sign of either bastion or internal tower at the corner of the wall.
3 No dateable material came from the first rampart phase. The wall of the second phase was 3.3m wide, faced with lias slabs, with gravel footings and presumbably a gravel core. It cut through the back of the Phase 1 turf bank. Traces of mini ridge and furrow were found pre-dating the counterscarp bank.

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