A large, post-medieval, brick-built well located at Manor Farm, Draycote.

Description of this historic site

A large brick-built well, probably associated with the existing 18th/19th century Manor Farm house. The site is located at Manor Farm, Draycote.

Notes about this historic site

1 An archaeological watching brief during the excavation of foundation trenches for an extension to the west side of Manor Farm recorded a large (1.5m diam.) brick-built well still filled with water. The well was likely to have been contemporary with the house. The main house appeared 18th/19th century in date and the majority of the single storey structure running off its western end appeared 19th century, although the northernmost part is 20th century. The lower part of one of the outbuildings to the north was likely to have been of an earlier date. A pump is indicated to the west of the house on the OS map of 1886 but not on the 1905 edition, suggesting it may have gone out of use by that date. The only find recovered was a fragment of 17th/18th century Blackware pottery.

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