Site of Shrunken Med Manor House at Cestersover Far

Description of this historic site

The site of a manor house which dates to the Imperial period. The house may incorporate parts of an earlier manor house of Medieval date. It is situated 1km north west of Ryehill Spinney.

Notes about this historic site

1 In January 1467 Sir Henry Waver was granted a licence to erect and crenellate walls and towers at Cesters Over.
2 Dugdale saw the manor house reduced to so mean a condition that it was only inhabitable by an ordinary farmer.
3 Cestersover House is of 18th century or 19th century brick. The lower part of the E wall is built of regularly coursed stone supposed to be part of the Medieval manor house, but it contains no datable features.
4 Scheduled as Warwickshire Monument No 109.
5 Scheduling Information.

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