Site of Roman Settlement on Barn Hill

Description of this historic site

Fragments of Roman pottery and tile have been collected during field walking surveys. The finds have been recovered from the area of Barn Hill. They suggest that there was once a Roman building at this location.

Notes about this historic site

1 Romano British building and scatter of late Romano British pottery and tile.
2 Corner of masonry exposed during ploughing and covered up again. A lot of pottery and building material.
3 27 sherds of pottery collected. Two sherds of mortaria (both 3rd – 4th century Mancetter), one sherd Samian, other oxidised, reduced and grey ware sherds.
4 A swift survey located only limited quantities of Roman pottery.
5 Fieldwalking in this field (SP3358), produced 35 sherds of Roman Severn Valley Ware, greyware and oxidised pottery, dating from the early 3rd century AD to the mid-4th century AD.
6 A more detailed description of pottery described in 5.
7 Fieldwalking on the site of the proposed motorway services to the south (MWA7058) only recorded a low background scatter of Roman pottery and tile, suggestive of manuring.
8 Further reference to the fieldwalking carried out ahead of the construction of the M40 (see 5). There were no features observed at this site and the domestic nature of the pottery suggested that it derived from the settlement at Barn Hill, or possibly from other buildings associated with ribbon settlement along the Fosse Way.

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