Site of Possible Roman Settlement at Lodge Clump

Description of this historic site

The site of a possible settlement dating to the Roman period where earthwork banks once stood. Finds of Roman pottery nearby suggest that it may be a Roman site. It is located 700m north of Chesterton.

Notes about this historic site

1 A clump of trees about 100 yards square and surrounded by banks (PRN 794) was cut down in 1956 and ploughed so that the banks were level. The enclosure may be Civil War or Roman in date. A surface inspection demonstrated that the field beyond the confines of the clump contained Romano British pot (mostly grey wares, a few fragments of black burnished and Samian of 2nd century date). The distribution is limited to the gravel capping of the hill top where the clump stood. No Roman pottery was found within the clump.
2 A bag of Roman grey wares is in Warwick Museum.

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