Site of Cloisters of Polesworth Abbey

Description of this historic site

The site of the cloisters of Polesworth Abbey dating to the Medieval period. They were situated 200m east of Bridge Street, Polesworth.

Notes about this historic site

1 The cloisters were S of the nuns’ quire. A 12th century doorway still survives just E of the present nave and S of the modern chancel. This would have been an entrance from the N end of the W alley. Another doorway further E in a wall returning S marks the cloisters as being about 22.8m from E to W. In line with, and further S of, the latter doorway was formerly the entrance to the Chapter House, which was in existence until the early 19th century.
2 In 1959 the Coal Board altered the course of the River Anker and revealed masonry S of the church. A hurried excavation was undertaken. The masonry may indicate the site of the reredorter of the nunnery.
5 Scheduling information.
6 A programme of recording and observation was undertaken by Warwickshire Museum Field Services group between 2002-2006. A reburied medieval stone coffin and part of a brick vault was recorded in the interior of the church, during the excavation of a statue base. Medieval and later masonry was recorded during limited excavation outside the church. This may have belonged either to a monastic range west of the west range to the cloister, perhaps part of the Abbess’ Lodging, or to the west end of a building set against the church. An undercroft was also recorded.
7 Geophysical survey carried out in September 2007 across the supposed cloister area in the vicarage garden. It revealed blocks of probable building remains to the south of the probable frater, to the east of the site of the chapter house and north of the redorter excavated in 1959.
8 A programme of archaeological investigation accompanied restoration of the north and east walls of the abbey cloister. Four in situ burials were recorded. The cloister arcade foundations had been removed by post-dissolution landscaping, although the width of the north alley was estimated at c.3.2m based on the extent of the burials. Further information on the post-medieval rebuilding of the cloister walls was obtained. Some 13th century grave slabs and 12th century and later architectural details reused in later walls were recorded.

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