Romano-British remains, Coventry Eastern Bypass Site 2

Description of this historic site

A pit, gully and linear feature were recorded during excavations and a watching brie. It contained Roman pottery and loom weights. The site was just north of Piles Coppice, Binley Woods.

Notes about this historic site

1 Fieldwalking located an isolated pit which they subsequently excavated. Roman coarsewares of 2nd century date were recovered along with group of 7 part-fired, triangular clay/loam loom weights. Weights were pierced through each angle by 10mm hole, c40mm from corner and central to width; semicircular channel also ran around each angle. Maximum length of sides was c150mm. These weights and several large pebbles had been laid edge to edge to form a pad or pads in the floor of the shallow pit (c0.5m deep and c2m in diameter).
2 Information from West Midlands SMR (No 3945). Location of this site needs checking as text of WM 3945 describes site as 500m S of Brandon Lane.
3 A watching brief in this area recorded a linear gully, a small pit, and another possible linear feature, all of Romano-British date. The topsoil also contained sherds of Romano-British pottery which is probably the artefact scatter recorded previously during the construction of the A46 Coventry bypass road.
4 The grid reference given in 1 is for c.500m NORTH of Brandon Lane (although in the text this location is described as south of Brandon Lane, which is the source for 2). The grid reference given is actaully on the line of the Bypass, so it is most likely to be correct, and therefore the text is wrong.

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