Romano-British features at 2/3 Charlecote Rd, Wellesbourne
A ditch, possible post holes and two pottery sherds dating to the Roman period were found during and excavation. It is possible that the ditch forms part of a known field system in the area. The site is located 200m north of Wellesbourne church.
1 Archaeological evaluation undertaken by Warwickshire Museum. Excavation of trench 1 revealed a steep-sided, flat-bottomed gully cut into the natural. It was aligned roughly WNW-ESE. In its base were three part-circular, steep-sided, flat-bottomed cuts which may have been post-holes. This array of features may have been the foundation for a fence. The two sherds of Romano British pottery recovered from the gully’s fill would appear to suggest the likely date.
2 Archaeological observation of groundworks of an extension to a house in Charlecote Road. A Romano-British ditch was identified, which will have belonged to the Iron Age/Romano-British field system known from previous excavations at 2/3 Charlecote Road.
- For the sources of these notes, see the
- Timetrail record
- produced by the Historic Environment Record.
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