Possible Romano-British Field System

Description of this historic site

Romano-British field boundaries found during excavation in the outer enclosure of Boteler's Castle. These were possibly part of a larger field system aligned on Ryknild Street.

Notes about this historic site

1 Ditch 1001 probably represented a field boundary ditch, and another ditch may have been part of the same Romano British field system.
2There was a scatter of residual Roman pottery and a Roman brooch from the excavations. These probably relate to a putative RB field system aligned on Ryknild Street.
3 The only excavated features of Romano-British date recorded were two gullies. These were probably field boundaries, possibly forming part of a rectilinear field system aligned on Ryknild Street. The spread of Roman material is most likely to represent domestic rubbish from a settlement in the near vicinity used for manuring the fields. Finewares among the pottery may suggest that it derived from a high status property.

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