Iron Age enclosure in Salford Priors
Part of a cropmark was excavated and a ditch, a pit and a posthole were uncovered. These features were possibly of Iron Age date.
1 A crop mark was excavated in advance of construction of the A435. A large , slightly bowed, gravel filled ditch measuring 2.85m wide, which formed the eastern side of the rectangular enclosure, was evident running along the west side of the area. A single large pit and a small posthole were the only other features excavated within the area, and no finds were recovered.
3 A concentration of features around trenches 16-18 (north of Marsh Farm, area C5). These appeared to represent the continuation of an enclosure visible as a cropmark to the west. Limited dating evidence suggested that the features were Iron Age/early Romano British in date.
4 A rectilinear enclosure and a small ring ditch were mapped as part of the English Heritage National Mapping Project.
- For the sources of these notes, see the
- Timetrail record
- produced by the Historic Environment Record.
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