Group of Pits at Church Lawford

Description of this historic site

A pit cluster of Neolithic and Bronze Age date was found during an archaeological excavation. The pit cluster was situated 1km west of Church Lawford.

Notes about this historic site

1 Within and in the vicinity of an early Neolithic enclosure ditch were a group of pits which contained particular and distinct assemblages of flintwork, pottery, cremated bones, charred plant remains and charcoal. This type of assemblage is often thought to be deliberate and of some ceremonial significance.
2 A varied group of pits both within and outside the enclosure was investigated. Four pits were found to contain early Neolithic pottery, although it was certainly residual in two of them. A single pit contained Peterborough Ware pottery but this too appears to have been residual. A total of seven pits within the enclosure contained Grooved Ware pottery although in three it was residual. A furhter Grooved Ware pit lay outside the enclosure. One pit contained a Beaker sherd whist two others contained fragments of urn with residual pottery. Some of the pits may have formed an arc. A disparate group of seven pits remain undated however many of the fills produced evidence of burning and it is likely that these are of a similar date. A total of 1992 items of worked flint were recovered from this area, the majority dating to the later Neolithic and Bronze Age.

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