Foxcote Deserted Medieval Settlement
Description of this historic site
The site of the Medieval deserted settlement of Foxcote. It is known from documentary evidence and is located 500m south west of Windmill Hill Plantations.
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Notes about this historic site
1 Rous: For the greater part destroyed. Dugdale: Long depopulated. There are possible ‘house pits’ (?) in the photograph, N of the house, but it and its grounds are extensive enough to obliterate traces. In 1316 it was reckoned a hamlet (Feudal Aids, v175).
2 Medium archaeology (B), period of desertion known but documentary evidence inferior in quantity (1).
3 No visual evidence of desertion in the indicated area.
- For the sources of these notes, see the
- Timetrail record
- produced by the Historic Environment Record.
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