Findspot - Roman pottery sherds and tile

Description of this historic site

Findspot - fragments of Roman pottery, tile and animal bone were found during a field walking survey. The finds came from the area lying 600m west of Sun Rising Covert.

Notes about this historic site

1 Fieldwalking survey by the Edgehill Project Group revealed a concentration of Romano-British pottery sherds, types included Samian ware, black-burnished ware, mortaria fragments and other sherds identifiable to Oxford kilns. Coarseware sherds of reduced and oxidised fabrics made up about 85% of the assemblage. A very small quantity of tile was also found. Dark soil and local ironstone rubble coincides with the pottery scatter as does a small quantity of bone.
2 Noted. Labelled as Site I. Kevin Wyles has obviously picked up material from this site as well. It is suggested soilmarks visible on AP – copy included but not referenced – also relate to this site.

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