Excavation of Fort Defences, 1968

Description of this historic site

Part of the defensive ditch of the Roman fort at Mancetter was excavated. It was situated 25m east of Mancetter Road, Mancetter.

Notes about this historic site

1 1968: A section was cut at the almhouses parallel to and near that dug by Oswald in 1955 (WA 397). The banks visible on the surface are associated with a 17th century or 18th century hedge line, but by coincidence they coincided with the inner ditch of a three-ditch military system. The outer ditch was steep-sided, of typical profile; the inner one was shallow and possibly contained a thorn barrier. The only dateable material is a fragment of form 29 of MEDILLUS (c. 60-80AD) from the inner ditch, but associated coarse wares would fit this late Neronian-early Flavian context.
2 Excavation report.
3 Photograph.
4 Diagram.
5 Noted.
6 Noted; confirmed E defences.

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