Excav of Roman Settlement at Chesterton Camp, 1921-

Description of this historic site

The site of a Roman settlement. The site was partially excavated and fragments of painted plaster, flue tile and pottery were found. The settlement was located 600m north west of Windmill Hill, just outside the Roman camp at Chesterton.

Notes about this historic site

1 1921-2: An effort was made to discover the cause of the strips of dry and burnt-up grass, which had appeared in the summer. The work continued into 1923. A trench 7.6m by 0.9m was cut at a point about 46m from the S angle. At 1.8m stones were found, possibly the filling of a ditch (?road surface) which caused the parch mark. 46m from the road and about one third of the way from the NE side a trench 7.3m long located a possible road. The trench was extended at a right angle for 8.2m. A third trench 15m long was cut at the SE near the E angle where the ditch is deepest. In all cases the same conditions were met except at the edge where finds were very few. A few inches below the turf a stratum of stones and rubbish about 15cm thick was found. Below this was a layer of irregular flat stones. Below this ‘was nothing which could be called stratified’, but at 1.1m the rubbish contained stones and large pieces of pot. At a depth of 1.5m, 10m from the SE side, part of a pavement was found. It consisted of tesserae of broken brick. Above this were fragments of painted wall-plaster. Finds included brick, flue-tiles, roofing tiles, Leicestershire slate, window glass, nails, pottery, a piece of inscribed lead, spoon bowls, an earpick, a knife and seventeen coins.
2 Plan.
3 Catalogue description.

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