Arch Evaluation at Manor Cottages

Description of this historic site

An archaeological investigation uncovered evidence of settlement dating to the Medieval period. Two houses, yards and pottery were found. The site is situated 400m north of the church, Fenny Compton.

Notes about this historic site

1 An evaluation (1994) of two proposed building plots on the north side of the Northend Road was carried out. Remains of a house, associated with 12th to 15th century pottery, were located.
2 The archaeological evaluation carried out in 1994 comprised a single trench in each of two proposed building plots. The trench in the western plot located a wall of the Medieval building. The more easterly the eastern plot found a small quantity of building rubble but had otherwise been disturbed by modern gardening activity.
3 Subsequent archaeological excavation of the area within the footings of the new houses revealed further evidence for Medieval settlement remains. Although the evaluation of 1994 located Medieval remains only on the western plot the excavation revealed Medieval buildings on both, and it was in the eastern plot that the remains were the best preserved. The house in the western plot was built in the 12th-13th century and was occupied until the early-mid 14th century. The eastern house was built in the later 13th century and continued in use until the early 15th century. The relatively late date for the construction of each building suggests that site lies on the edge of the Medieval village in an area that was always peripheral. Fenny Compton was a thriving settlement settlement by 1086 and these buildings are somewhat later.

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