Burnt Mound NE of Wishaw Hall Farm

Description of this historic site

The site of a burnt mound, a mound of fire-cracked stones usually associated with a trough or pit. It dated to the Bronze Age and was situated 40m to the east of Wishaw Hall Farm.

Notes about this historic site

1 A group of heat shattered pebbles were observed in the topsoil during fieldwalking in October 1980. The site probably lies near an original stream course although there has been much alteration of the drainage here. The same field also produced worked mesolithic flint (WA 7359) and Medieval pottery (WA 7362, WA 55, WA 6124).
2 Site of a possible burnt mound indicated by a concentration of cracked stones in the ploughsoil near the northern end of the field.
3 The collection of heat shattered pebbles was associated with the site of one of the ponds (WA 6124) and so could be redeposited material. However, the streamside location would be typical of a Bronze Age burnt mound.
4 Scatter of burnt stones c. 30m diameter in corner of a ploughed field at Wishaw Hall Farm at SP174953.

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