Burnt mound 500m W of Allen End

Description of this historic site

The site of a burnt mound, a mound of fire cracked stones usually associated with a pit or trough. It was Prehistoric in date and was situated 500m west of Allen End.

Notes about this historic site

1 Burnt mound encountered on county boundary during survey of agricultural land in West Midlands by Birmingham and Warwickshire Archaeological Society. This was cut through by the stream, Langley Brook, marking the county boundary.
2 A profile recorded by BWAS shows a layer of heat shattered stones up to 0.2m thick, in a pattern suggestive of a pit. They are covered by c0.6m of red clay.
3 Shallow spreads of burnt material interleaved with alluvial material were encounted north and south of Langley Brook during the excavation. It is suggested that these may relate to Site 39; they are NOT thought to be representative of in situ burnt mounds.
4 Burnt mounds date to the middle BA through to early IA.
5 Further work on the sites as part of work in advance of construction of the M6 Toll. It is suggested that extensive spreads of heat-cracked stones at Site 30 were part of burnt mound material that had been washed down the river from Site 39. An early Iron Age date is suggested. A radiocarbon date was obtained from this deposit; a date of 520-200 cal BC was produced (see also MWA9118).

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