Bubbenhall Heavy Anti Aircraft Site
Description of this historic site
The site of a heavy anti aircraft battery dating from the Second World War and identified from documentary evidence. It was located north west of Ticknell Spinney, Stoneleigh.
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Notes about this historic site
1 The site of a heavy anti aircraft installation, H66, first mentioned in 1942, and not listed in June 1942 as equipped with permanent large calibre guns or with radar.
2 An aerial photo from 1946 does not show the gun pits but shows what may have been the accommodation camp. A site visit is needed.
- For the sources of these notes, see the
- Timetrail record
- produced by the Historic Environment Record.
I have recently (April 2017) visited this site following the farm track as far as the modern reservoir and could see no visible remains or apparent signs, barring perhaps that the track appeared to use large amounts of demolition rubble but that could have been bought in. Worth looking at is the O.S. first series 1:25000 map sheet SP37, which maps a series of buildings along side the other side of the field boundary to the track.
I remember this site from the 1950s and there was nothing but a small brick building. I suggest it was a mobile unit, there was another on Stonehouse farm close to the entrance to Stoneleigh Abbey – this was a Mobile Unit’
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