Incendiary Fires in Harbury, June 1884

Harbury's parish magazine reports on incendiary fires

Chapel Street, Harbury 1907.
Warwickshire County Record Office reference PH1035/A7673.

We thought you might like this article from the Parish Magazine in July 1884. You can imagine the writer getting more and more incensed as he wrote!

Incendiary Fires

We have only space to note the sad occurrence of five incendiary fires on Saturday night June 21st and Sunday morning in Harbury and Chesterton, where no incendiary fires have been known within living memory. At present no definite evidence can be obtained, nor has anything transpired to put the crime on anyone and all must guard against hasty suspicions and rash judgments, but although such wickedness may for a time be undiscovered, yet assuredly it shall not go unpunished for God saw it; and these things are noted in His book. That wickedness of Man should be so great as to destroy in God’s sight God’s own gifts and corn that sustains the life of Man.

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Did you go to school in Harbury? There are probably even pictures of you! We need all age groups to come along to try to identify people and places in the photo collections.

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