Undated activity located between 32 and 46 Old Farm Road, Mancetter.
Undated features, including a large ditch, a small pit containing heat-shattered quartzite pebbles, a gully and post hole were recorded during trial trenching. The site is located between 32 and 46 Old Farm Road, Mancetter.
1 Undated features, including a large ditch, a small pit containing heat-shattered quartzite pebbles, a gully and post hole were recorded during trial trenching in the vicinity of an Early/Middle Bronze Age pit, Roman defensive ditches and a Roman oven or kiln. It has been suggested that the pit full of heat-cracked pebbles, which is generally a prehistoric phenomenon, and undated gully are part of a wider activity area suggested by the Early/Middle Bronze Age pit. The post hole may have been related to activity associated with the Roman oven/kiln.
- For the sources of these notes, see the
- Timetrail record
- produced by the Historic Environment Record.
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