Site of Roman Settlement to NE of Little Luddington

Description of this historic site

The site of a settlement dating to the Roman period and known from large scatters of Roman pottery. It is located 900m west of the Race Course at Stratford.

Notes about this historic site

1 During a field walk enough Romano British pottery was found at SP1753 to suppose occupation.
3 Localised scatter of Romano British pottery of 2nd to 4th century date found either side of disused railway (SP1753). Probable farmstead site. Large quantities of Severn valley ware and lesser quantities of mortaria and Samian. Also Nene Valley ware and a late 4th century flagon.
4 Cropmark survey – October 1976 and October 1977. The location of the sherds was mapped each season and a consistent concentration noted. Although Severn Valley ware was dominant, lesser quantities of 2nd century mortaria and 2nd century samian were obtained.

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