Site of Roman Settlement at Shrewley Common

Description of this historic site

The site of a Roman settlement which was uncovered during building work. An excavation produced cobbled floors, pits, pottery, and building and occupation debris. Its location is 500m southeast of Castle Meadow Bridge, Shrewley Common.

Notes about this historic site

1 1977: A Leamington builder digging foundation trenches unearthed Roman pottery. A three week excavation was mounted by R Lamb. A layer of cobbles with pieces of tile and pottery was found. Three pits were located. Pottery and limestone ashlar were found in Pit 1. Pit contained tile and was cut by a post hole. A second trench at the front of the plot revealed another cobbled surface with a clear edge. Traces of a gully were also found. A third trench produced a clay layer containing Roman tile. A further trial trench to the extreme SE of the property produced no finds. Pottery was mostly Severn Valley, black burnished and grey wares with some colour coated and Mancetter mortaria. Date range of C3-C4. The tile included imbrex and tegula fragments and some thick floor tile. At least one stone building is represented. Another building had been roofed with lias limestone. Fragments of burnt daub or oven lining and slag were found. The rest of the settlement is probably to the W.
4 Finds description.
5 Romano-British remains recorded during observation of groundworks on the adjacent property to the north east in 2001.
6 Press cutting from 1977.
7 Excavation archive material.
8 List of the finds including building and occupation debris.
9 A letter to the owner of Gatehouse Farm.

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