Site of Possible Romano British Settlement, Priors Hardwick

Description of this historic site

The site of a possible Roman farmstead. Fragments of pottery, animal bone and human bone have been found at the site. It is located 800m south west of Priors Hardwick.

Notes about this historic site

1 In 1978 and 1979 pottery and animal bones were picked up in a ploughed field. 90% of the pottery was identified as as Roman and the finds were donated to the Museum.
2 Apart from the odd Medieval (PRN 6300) and Post Medieval sherd (PRN 6301) the collection is mostly 3rd to 4th century Midland grey ware. There is enough to indicate a Roman farmstead.
3 Most of the pottery was identified as 3rd to 4th century with a very few 2nd century sherds. Most of the pottery is local, with one sherd of Samian and a piece of colour-coated.
4 Some human bone was found in the same field. The pottery scatter is still well-defined.
5 Additional finds made consisted of two Roman coins, one of the first century, and a dolphin brooch.
6 Drawing of 5.
7 Sketch of the location of the human bones found in 1983.
8 Receipt form for potsherds brought in for identificaton.
9 Portable Antiquities Scheme find provenance information:
Date found: 2005-08-31T23:00:00Z
Date found (2): 2005-11-01T00:00:00Z
Methods of discovery: Metal detector

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