Site of Poss Gallows Mound 200m E of Gallows Hill F
Description of this historic site
The possible site of gallows, a wooden structure from which criminals were hanged during the Medieval and later periods. Documentary evidence suggests that there was a mound, possibly on which the gallows were situated. The site is located 200m east of Gallows Hill.
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Notes about this historic site
1 ‘Tumulus’ marked.
2 Case was told that the barrow could still be traced but had not visited the site.
4 Beesley records that a small circle of stones was ploughed up here some years ago. The site is at present under grass and level. The field name is ‘Gallow Hill’, and so the possibility that the feature was merely a gallows mound must be reckoned with.
5 Barrow or ?gallows mound. Now destroyed.
- For the sources of these notes, see the
- Timetrail record
- produced by the Historic Environment Record.
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