Semicircular feature 100m NE of Thelsford Bridge
Half a circular enclosure is visible on aerial photographs. It is believed to be a Neolithic Enclosure and not a henge as previously thought. It appears that the enclosure was never completed. It is located near Wasperton.
1 Half of the circuit of a circular enclosure shows on air photos.
2 Part of the circuit of a circular enclosure has been uncovered. The site may be a henge, although there is an absence of internal features. The only finds are a couple of coarse pot sherds.
3 A large penannular feature approximately 100m in diameter was trial trenched and an area about 40 by 45m stripped to reveal one quarter of the monument. The henge was revealed as a single length of curving ditch, broken at two points along its S edge: there were no internal features. Finds in the ditch included a few sherds of undecorated pottery and three small sherds of Beaker.
4 Further work on the northern part of the enclosure has revealed a third entrance and has produced a number of flints from the ditch. It would appear that the enclosure was never complete on its eastern side.
5 Plan.
6 Excavation of this site between 1980-85 provides evidence suggesting it was not a Neolithic henge. However an alternative interpretation is difficult due to the lack of internal features.
(7) Subsequent re-evaluation suggests that it is a Neolithic enclosure and not a henge.
- For the sources of these notes, see the
- Timetrail record
- produced by the Historic Environment Record.
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