Roman finds from 284, Weddington Road
Findspot - sherds of pottery, tile and mortaria of Roman date were found west of Weddington Road, Weddington. A possible ditch was also recorded.
1 A large quantity of unabraded Roman pottery, tile and mortaria was collected from a pit identified by a Nuneaton and Bedworth Borough Building Control Officer during the course of a foundation inspection. There was no opportunity for a further site visit to be made as the site had been backfilled.
2 31 sherds of of pottery were collected, comprising 8 sherds from four different mortaria, nineteen greyware sherds and four from an unusual Severn Valley ware dish. In addition, 16 fragments of Roman tile (mainly box flue with some tegulae and pilae) were recovered. Because none of the fragments were mortared or sooted it is suggested the finds come from a tile kiln which must be located in this vicinity. An alternative, less likely suggestion is that there is a hypocausted building somewhere in the vicinity.
3 In February 1996, a small-scale excavation was was conducted by members of the Atherstone Archaeological Society. The excavtion revealed a pit containing under-fired pottery and some tile. The the pottery, the majority comprised mortaria sherds. The results suggest that this site is an outlier to the Mancetter – Hartshill industry.
- For the sources of these notes, see the
- Timetrail record
- produced by the Historic Environment Record.
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