Roman finds, Field C6 (Warwick Uni Eval)
Findspot - mosaic fragments of Roman date were found to the north of Cryfield Village, suggesting that this might be the site of an important Roman building.
1 An assessment of the archaeological potential of Warwick University’s lands (MWA 8344) included the results of a number of fieldwalking sessions, mostly unstructured. In Field C6, Roman pottery together with mosaic floor fragments and loose tesserae were noted. This suggests a substantial Roman building in the vicinity, perhaps a villa or a religious structure. The mound at the northern end of the field (see MWA 8347) may have been enhanced in the Roman period.
2 Further tesserae were ploughed up from this field in Autumn 2013. These are mainly small individual pieces but they are some larger pieces of a tesserated pavement.
- For the sources of these notes, see the
- Timetrail record
- produced by the Historic Environment Record.
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