Mesolithic flint scatter, Wishaw Hall Farm, Wishaw

Description of this historic site

A Mesolithic flint scatter uncovered near Grove Lane, Wishaw during site excavations connected with the Birmingham Northern Relief R oad project.

Notes about this historic site

1 A colluvial flint scatter comprising over one thousand flints was uncovered in the central area of the site. The assemblage originated further up the slope to the west but as a result of erosion was carried down slope filling natural dips and tree throw hollows, from where it was later recovered.
2 This assemblage, in the final report, is dated to the late Mesolithic, with no Neolithic or Bronze Age components (contra 1) noted among the diagnostic elements. A total of 1583 items of struck flint, as well as 38 pieces of burnt unworked flint were found on Site 19, representing over 90% of the flint assemblage from the M6 Toll. The main concentration lay to the western edge of the site, clearly continuing beyond the limits of the excavated area. As in 1, the assemblage is described as being redeposited in natural dips and tree throw hollows. It is unlikely that any elements of the assemblage represent in situ deposition. The flintwork represented an accomplished blade-based industry, characterised by the use of soft hammer percussion and careful core preparation, with a full range of knapping products present.

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