Linear features examined near Cawston contained Iron Age material.
The site of several linear features, of unknown date, that may form an enclosure. They are visible as cropmarks on aerial photographs. The site is located 200m north of Cawston.
2 Undated linear crop marks show on aerial photographs, possibly forming part of a large triangular enclosure.
3 A geophysical survey undertaken in 1993 (area M) covering part of the cropmark complex located the linear features interpreted as ridge and furrow cultivation remains. A linear anomaly possibly corresponding with the linear cropmark to the south of the complex and a number of pit like anomalies were also located. None of the other features visible on APs were found.
4 In 1994 two evaluation trenches were excavated over this cropmark to ascertain the nature of any archaeological features. Two linear features representing the remains of ridge and furrow were located. It is suggested that the features responsible for the cropmarks and geophysical responses have been destroyed by ridge and furrow cultivation and later agricultural practice.
5 Evaluation trenches were excavated across the site (SP47307370). A series of ditches and gullies were encountered which mostly matched, or were close to, features identified in the geophysical survey. Struck flint fragments and Iron Age material dating from the first century AD were found within the features.
- For the sources of these notes, see the
- Timetrail record
- produced by the Historic Environment Record.
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