Iron Age linear crop mark

Description of this historic site

Linear features are visible as cropmarks on aerial photographs and are possibly of Iron Age date. They may have been associated with a palisade feature. They were located 800m west of Half Moon Plantation.

Notes about this historic site

2 Linear features show on air photographs intersecting an Iron Age enclosure (PRN 700).
3 1988: Excavation undertaken in advance of M40 construction should demonstrate the chronological relationship between the settlement and the linear feature. The linear feature appears to have an associated palisade.

1 /AP /JP / /WM /SP2961: A, D, E / /WMB /Y /
2 /Desc Text /RCH /1986 /WMSMR /PRN 700 / /WMB /Y /
3 /Pers Com /RCH /1988 / / / / / /

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