Iron Age Features at 2-3 Charlecote Rd, Wellesbourne

Iron Age Features at 2-3 Charlecote Rd, Wellesbourne | Image courtesy of Gary Stocker.
Iron Age Features at 2-3 Charlecote Rd, Wellesbourne
Image courtesy of Gary Stocker.
Description of this historic site

Two ditches and a fragment of pottery, dating to the Iron Age, were discovered during an excavation. Two post holes were found which may also date to the Iron Age. The ditches may represent a boundary feature. The site is located 200m north of Wellesbourne church.

Notes about this historic site

1 Archaeological evaluation undertaken by Warwickshire Museum. Excavation of trench 5 revealed a steep-sided, V-shaped ditch, about 7m deep, aligned roughly E-W. The ditch had also been re-cut on its northern side by another ditch of similar shape, dimensions and alignment. A sherd of Iron Age pottery was recovered from its fill. Into its NE slope were cut at least two stake/post holes which appeared to be associated features. Also possibly associated was a shallow gully running roughly parallel to, and 2m N of, the main ditch. It is possible that it delineated the inner edge of a bank created by the excavation of the ditch. The ditch itself would appear to be a large boundary feature, either for the demarcation of fields, territory, or even a settlement.

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