Human bones recovered near Bransford Spinney

Description of this historic site

The site of a burial, possibly Anglo-Saxon and dating to the Migration or Early Medieval periods. The site is located 500m north east of Ryehill Spinney.

Notes about this historic site

1 Rabbit activity has brought human bones, apparently from a crouched burial, to the surface at this location. No artefacts were found with the burial.
2 The upper part of the torso, upper arms and skull were submitted to the Warwickshire Museum for study. The human bones came from a mature individual, at least 25 years old. Unfortunately in the absence of any of the bones of the hip girdle it is not possible to sex the individual. The bones are of some age, in excess of 100 years and possibly associated with the Anglo-Saxon site at Bransford Bridge.
3 Photograph showing the area of rabbit disturbance taken in May 1996.

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