Findspot - Roman finds

Description of this historic site

Findspot - various finds of Roman date, including pottery, burnt brick and bone was found during the excavation of a Medieval building. The finds suggest that this may have been an industrial site during the Roman period. The finds came from the area of Chapel Green.

Notes about this historic site

1 The earliest evidence on the site was a ditch crossing the excavation which contained a quantity of Romano-British pottery. This was U-shaped, about 0.5m wide and 0.4m deep, running in a straight line for 12m across the site. The pottery ranges from Iron Age to 3rd century Wappenbury wares. In addition daub, mortar, clinker, burnt brick, blued gravel and bone was found. The feeling is for an industrial rather than domestic site.
3 Finds include Samian. The Romano British habitation probably lies under the present farm house.
4 Noted by Ordnance Survey.