Findspot - Neolithic to Bronze Age flint, Bidford on Avon.

Description of this historic site

Findspot -two pieces of worked flint of possible Mesolithic date but many from the Neolithic and Bronze Ages were found in the area east of Grafton Lane, Bidford on Avon.

Notes about this historic site

1 Find made in 1986: Broken flint blade with edge retouch; knife or sickle blade for composite sickle.
2 Finds made in 1987: Three flakes and one blade. Only one of the flakes has retouch but all exhibit possible wear marks.
3 Finds made in 1988: Four flakes, one snapped (?)blade, one disc scraper on a broken flake (Clarke’s Class E).
4 Finds made in 1988: Three flakes, one ?microlith, one snapped blade.
5 Find made in 1988: Notched partly retouched flake – Mesolithic/Neolithic.
6 Finds made in 1990: Neolithic side scrapers, worked flakes, natural flint and flake with secondary retouch on two edges.
7 Finds made in 1990: Struck flakes, one with retouched edge (?end scraper), and waste flake.
8 Finds made in 1990: Neolithic struck flake and retouched natural flint.
9 Find made in 1991: Retouched Neolithic side scraper.
10 Portable Antiquities Scheme find provenance information:
Date found: 1998-08-31T23:00:00Z
Date found: 2003-10-23T23:00:00Z
Date found (2): 2003-11-24T00:00:00Z
Methods of discovery: Metal detector

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