Findspot - Iron Age & Roman pottery

Description of this historic site

Findspot - fragments of Iron and Roman pottery and pieces of animal bone were found when a natural hollow was excavated. The finds were discovered in the area of Moreton Hall.

Notes about this historic site

1 During the construction of a reconstruction of a Romano British pottery kiln in June 1985 three sherds of Iron Age shelly pottery were found in a possible Iron Age feature. A 2 by 1 metre trench was excavated to investigate this supposed feature, which on excavation appeared to be a natural hollow. The natural hollow contained archaeological material. From the upper fill came 2 pieces of modern brick, about 9 Romano British and 1 Iron Age sherd. A second layer produced 7 probable Iron Age sherds, 3 Iron Age or Romano British sherds, 3 Romano British sherds, a piece of slag and animal bones. This material is presumably derived from occupation debris slipping into a natural hollow.The Iron Age/Romano British evidence was sealed by the brick walls and cinder spreads of WWII buildings which formerly stood in the grounds of Moreton Hall.
2 Excavation report.

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