Excavation of Roman Pottery Kilns at Cherrytree Farm
The site of five pottery kilns that dated to the Roman period. They were situated 250m north east of Cherry Tree Farm.
1 Following on from MH 1983 (see MWA4233) a rescue excavation was set up in November 1983 to investigate the Roman kiln complex at Cherrytree Farm in advance of pipe laying. An area of 600 sq m was excavated to the NW of the kilns uncovered in May 1983. Three more kilns were revealed lying within the NW angle of a broad flat-bottomed ditch. The ditch had been recut on at least one occasion. Two kilns were orientated roughly E-W and are similar to types found previously in the complex. The third kiln was more unusual. The pottery from the kilns suggests that they were all making mortaria and coarse wares in varying proportions during the later 2nd century and early 3rd century. Other features included a large spread of ash and wasters and a pit.
2 Plan.
3 Noted.
4 Five Roman pottery kilns were revealed by topsoil stripping of an area c100m x 10m, prior to the laying of a water and gas pipeline in May 1983. All the kilns date to the 2nd century, and most probably to the second half of the century, though work on the pottery has not yet commenced. 3rd-4th century pottery found on the site is probably derived from later kilns nearby.
5 Plan.
6 Noted; Kilns producing coarsewares and mortaria with associated features.
- For the sources of these notes, see the
- Timetrail record
- produced by the Historic Environment Record.
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