Excavation of Possible Iron Age House at Meon Hill

Description of this historic site

The site of a possible Iron Age round house. The remains of the house were discovered during an excavation at Meon Hill. Various finds, including flint flakes, a spearhead, part of a whetstone and Iron Age/Roman pottery, were recovered.

Notes about this historic site

1 An excavation was conducted in 1906. On the summit of the hill were a number of saucer-shaped depressions. One was excavated with walls built of small slabs of stone above the ground level. These had fallen into the central sunken area of the hut. No trace of a hearth could be found. A few flint flakes were found and sherds of Iron Age and Roman pottery and part of an iron spearhead at the bottom of the hut. Also a small iron tool and a large broken whetstone.
2 The finds from the excavation are in Cheltenham Museum.

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