Assorted C18-C19 Finds to E of Grafton Lane, Bidford on Avon
Description of this historic site
Findspot - various finds dating to the Imperial period, including a token, coins and a buckle, were found east of Grafton Lane, Bidford on Avon.
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Notes about this historic site
1 A tavern token for 3d. Found in 1987 at SP107526.
2 Six coins from the Imperial period were found in 1991 at SP105526.
3 An 18th metalwork fragment and a female bust, part of a fitting, were found in 1991 at SP10605258.
4 Further finds.
5 Medalet commemorating the end of WWI found in 1985 at SP107526.
- For the sources of these notes, see the
- Timetrail record
- produced by the Historic Environment Record.
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