Site of Possible Roman Settlement on Foxhill

Description of this historic site

The site of a Roman settlement on Foxhill. Linear features and an enclosure are visible as cropmarks on aerial photographs and Roman pottery has been recovered from the site.

Notes about this historic site

1 Curvilinear features and possible penannular gullies show on aerial photographs.
2 Field survey conducted here in 1985-6 recovered Roman sherds.
3 Plan.
4 The site was located as a cropmark and was fieldwalked in 1985 and 1986. The hillfort is situated on marl and is in a hilltop location, with a slight downhill slope to the N and steep slopes down to a brook on the SW, S and SE. The main feature on air photographs is an enclosure of about 1.4ha, with a large defensive ditch and a western entrance. The ditch on the SE appears to be interrupted; ground inspection reveals that the interruption is the result of Post Medieval or modern quarrying. To the SE of the main enclosure is a smaller subrectangular enclosure ant to the N sre curvilinear features and possible penannular gullies. The site falls into parts of two modern fields and both have been examined. The rampart has been totally flattened by subsequent cultivation; however, two clear concentrations of Iron Age pottery were noted in the interior of the hillfort enclosure. The pot sherds are all small and extremely friable. Burnt stone was was also commom on the site. A sparse scatter of Roman sherds over the cropmarks to the N of the hillfort may indicate a Roman site close to the hillfort.

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