Nuneaton. Floodlit football match

First goal of match between Nuneaton & Leicester City played under new floodlights at Manor Park, Nuneaton.  Leicester goalkeeper, Peter Shilton, fails to save a goal scored by Nuneaton centre-forward Bill Atkinson.  October 25th 1965 |  IMAGE LOCATION: (Warwickshire County Record Office) PEOPLE IN PHOTO: Atkinson, Bill
First goal of match between Nuneaton & Leicester City played under new floodlights at Manor Park, Nuneaton. Leicester goalkeeper, Peter Shilton, fails to save a goal scored by Nuneaton centre-forward Bill Atkinson. October 25th 1965
IMAGE LOCATION: (Warwickshire County Record Office) PEOPLE IN PHOTO: Atkinson, Bill
Reference: PH(N), 882/2134, img: 4148
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