New Bilton. Lawford Road

Terraced housing, children, horse-drawn vehicle with passengers, Lawford Road, New Bilton.  1900s
[It is thought that the house numbered 168 on the actual photograph is incorrect as that house is at the bottom of Lawford Road Hill and would be odd numbered. The front gardens are too big for houses at the cement works end of Lawford Road] |  IMAGE LOCATION: (Warwickshire County Record Office)
Terraced housing, children, horse-drawn vehicle with passengers, Lawford Road, New Bilton. 1900s [It is thought that the house numbered 168 on the actual photograph is incorrect as that house is at the bottom of Lawford Road Hill and would be odd numbered. The front gardens are too big for houses at the cement works end of Lawford Road]
IMAGE LOCATION: (Warwickshire County Record Office)
Reference: PH, 352/152/195, img: 2223
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