Leamington Spa. Royal Tennis Court Club

The Royal (real) Tennis court in Bedford Street, Leamington Spa. Three of the courts high plastered walls are flanked with a sloping penthouse and the server has to defend a long netted opening called the Dedans. The  galleries, tambour and grille are features common to all courts - in the earliest days of the game these features may have been cloisters, a buttress and a serving hatch. On the floor are painted lines, a yard apart, called chases.  1987 |  IMAGE LOCATION: (Leamington Library)
The Royal (real) Tennis court in Bedford Street, Leamington Spa. Three of the courts high plastered walls are flanked with a sloping penthouse and the server has to defend a long netted opening called the Dedans. The galleries, tambour and grille are features common to all courts - in the earliest days of the game these features may have been cloisters, a buttress and a serving hatch. On the floor are painted lines, a yard apart, called chases. 1987
IMAGE LOCATION: (Leamington Library)
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