Atherstone. Swan & Two Nicks Yard.

49-51 Swan & Two Nicks Yard, Atherstone.   Brick cottage with garden, ends of terrace housing, washing on line.  1900s
[The name 'Two Nicks' origonates from the custom of swans having two nicks made in their wing to denote royal ownership] |  IMAGE LOCATION: (Warwickshire County Record Office)
49-51 Swan & Two Nicks Yard, Atherstone. Brick cottage with garden, ends of terrace housing, washing on line. 1900s [The name 'Two Nicks' origonates from the custom of swans having two nicks made in their wing to denote royal ownership]
IMAGE LOCATION: (Warwickshire County Record Office)
Reference: PH(N), 213/18, img: 3039
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