Undated ridge and furrow ploughing north of Tiddington Road, Tiddington.

Description of this historic site

Undated ridge and furrow ploughing, which had truncated earlier features by in excess of 0.3m. This was likely to have occurred during the late medieval/post-medieval period. The site is located north of Tiddington Road, Tiddington.

Notes about this historic site

1 A third phase of activity was recorded during trial trenching on land north of Tiddington Road, Tiddington. During this phase the site appears to have been subject to ridge and furrow ploughing, which had truncated the earlier features by in excess of 0.3m. This phase was undated, but was likely to have been late medieval/post-medieval in date. Three probable furrows were exposed, which contained post-medieval material.
For phase 1 and 2, see MWA 9727.
Phase 4 represented the modern use of the site, which incuded a phase of subsoiling by the landowner, which truncated the top of the phase 3 plough horizon.

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